Top Basement Tanking Solutions The Ultimate Guide For Dry and Secure Basement

If you’re a homeowner, you’re likely familiar with the challenges that come with having a basement. One of the most common issues faced by basement owners is moisture infiltration, which can lead to a host of problems, including mold growth, structural damage, and reduced indoor air quality.

Fortunately, there are effective basement tanking solutions available to address this issue. In this blog, we’ll explore the top basement tanking solutions you should know about to protect your home and ensure a dry, healthy basement environment.

What is basement tanking?

Before delving into the solutions, let’s first understand what basement tanking is. Basement tanking is the process of waterproofing the basement to prevent water ingress. It involves various techniques and materials to create a barrier that keeps moisture out.

Here are some key aspects to conside;

1. Types of Water Ingress

There are two primary sources of water ingress in basements: groundwater and surface water. Groundwater can seep through the soil and walls, while surface water can enter through cracks and gaps during heavy rainfall.

2. Importance of Tanking

Effective basement tanking is crucial because it safeguards your home against water damage, which can be expensive to repair. It also preserves the structural integrity of your property.

3. Professional vs. DIY

While some homeowners may attempt a DIY approach to basement tanking, it’s often best to consult with professionals. They have the expertise and access to high-quality materials that can provide lasting solutions.

Now, let’s explore the top tanking solutions for the basement  that can keep your basement dry and protect your investment

Top Basement Tanking Solutions

Here is the complete list of tanking solutions for the basement.

  1. Internal Tanking
  2. External Tanking
  3. Cavity Drain Membranes
  4. Sump Pump Systems
  5. Waterproofing Paints and Sealants
  6. Exterior Drainage Solutions
  7. Crack Injection
  8. French Drains
  9. Exterior Waterproofing Membranes
  10. Hybrid Systems

Now, let’s dive into the details of all these top 10 Basement Tanking Solutions.

1. Internal Tanking

Internal tanking is a widely adopted solution for existing homes dealing with basement moisture issues. This method involves the application of a waterproof membrane or coating to the interior walls and floor of your basement. The key benefits of internal tanking include.

  • Moisture Prevention: The waterproof barrier effectively prevents moisture from penetrating the basement walls and floor, keeping your space dry and free from water-related damage.
  • Versatility: Internal tanking can be applied to various surfaces, including concrete and masonry, making it suitable for different types of basements.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to some external solutions, internal tanking can be a more budget-friendly option, especially for homeowners looking to address minor to moderate moisture problems.

However, it’s essential to note that internal tanking may not be suitable for severe water infiltration issues or new construction projects.

2. External Tanking

External tanking, as the name suggests, focuses on waterproofing the exterior of your basement walls. This approach is particularly effective at preventing groundwater from seeping through the foundation. Here’s what you need to know about external tanking.

  • New Construction or Major Renovations: External tanking is often the preferred choice for new construction projects or substantial basement renovations, where access to the exterior walls is readily available.
  • Foundation Protection: It provides robust protection to the foundation, safeguarding it against the long-term effects of water damage.
  • Professional Installation: This method typically requires professional expertise to excavate and apply the necessary waterproofing materials effectively.

External tanking is a proactive measure to ensure that your basement remains dry and structurally sound over the years.

3. Cavity Drain Membranes

Cavity drain membranes offer a unique approach to basement tanking. They create an air gap between the basement wall and the waterproof membrane, allowing water to be channeled away into a sump pump system. Here are the highlights of this innovative solution.

  • Versatile Application: Cavity drain membranes can be installed in both new and existing basements, providing flexibility in addressing moisture issues.
  • Minimal Disruption: Installation is relatively non-invasive, making it an attractive option for homeowners who want to avoid major renovations.
  • Effective Drainage: The system efficiently redirects water away from the basement, ensuring a consistently dry environment.

While cavity drain membranes are effective, they are often best installed by professionals with experience in this method.

4. Sump Pump Systems

Sump Pump Systems

Sump pump systems are integral components of many basement tanking solutions. These systems collect and remove excess water from the basement, preventing it from causing damage. Here’s what you should know:

  • Continuous Monitoring: Sump pumps are equipped with sensors that detect rising water levels, activating the pump to remove water automatically.
  • Maintenance Is Crucial: Regular maintenance is essential to ensure that your sump pump functions optimally when needed. This includes checking for debris and ensuring the backup power source is functional.
  • Variety of Options: There are various sump pump models available, including submersible and pedestal pumps, to suit different basement layouts and needs.

Sump pump systems are reliable and highly effective in keeping basements dry, particularly in areas prone to heavy rainfall or high groundwater levels.

5. Waterproofing Paints and Sealants

waterproofing paints and sealants

Waterproofing paints and sealants offer a cost-effective solution for minor moisture issues in basements. While they may not provide the same level of comprehensive protection as other methods, they have their advantages:

  • Ease of Application: Homeowners can apply waterproofing paints and sealants themselves, making it a DIY-friendly option.
  • Budget-Friendly: This method is often more affordable than extensive basement tanking solutions, making it suitable for those with limited budgets.
  • Surface Protection: Waterproofing paints and sealants create a barrier on the interior walls and floors, helping to prevent minor seepage and dampness.

However, it’s essential to recognize that these products are best suited for minor moisture problems and may not be sufficient for more severe basement issues.

 Worth reading: Damp proofing vs Waterproofing

6. Exterior Drainage Solutions

Proper exterior drainage is a crucial aspect of basement tanking. Redirecting surface water away from your basement is essential to prevent moisture infiltration. Consider the following external drainage solutions.

  • Gutters and Downspouts: Installing gutters and downspouts on your home’s roof helps collect rainwater and direct it away from the foundation.
  • Grading the Landscape: Ensuring that the landscape slopes away from the foundation promotes natural water runoff, reducing the risk of water pooling near the basement.

These simple yet effective measures can complement other basement tanking solutions and significantly contribute to a dry basement.

7. Crack Injection

If your basement walls have existing cracks, crack injection can be a valuable solution to seal these openings effectively. Here’s what you should know:

  • Sealing Existing Cracks: Crack injection involves injecting a waterproof material into existing cracks, preventing further water intrusion.
  • Immediate Results: It provides rapid results and can help address ongoing moisture issues caused by cracks.
  • Professional Expertise: While some homeowners may attempt crack injection as a DIY project, it’s often best left to experienced personnel who can assess the severity of the cracks and use the appropriate materials.

Injection is particularly effective for addressing localized problems caused by cracks and fissures in your basement walls. However, it’s essential to remember that it may not address broader moisture infiltration issues.

8. French Drains

French Drains

French drains are an established and dependable solution for managing subsurface water around your basement. Here’s what you need to know about this effective system.

  • Trench Design: French drains consist of trenches filled with gravel and a perforated pipe. The pipe collects water and directs it away from the foundation.
  • Versatile Application: French drains can be installed both inside and outside the basement, depending on your specific needs and the layout of your property.
  • Effective Water Diversion: They efficiently divert groundwater, helping to keep the soil around your basement walls dry.

French drains are a time-tested solution that can significantly contribute to maintaining a dry basement and preventing water-related damage.

9. Exterior Waterproofing Membranes

waterproofing membranes

Similar to internal membranes, exterior waterproofing membranes provide a robust barrier against groundwater infiltration. Here’s what sets them apart.

  • Outer Foundation Protection: These membranes are applied to the exterior of the foundation walls, forming a robust, long-lasting shield against moisture.
  • Installation Process: Installing exterior waterproofing membranes requires excavation around the foundation. Professional expertise is typically recommended for this method.
  • Safeguarding the Foundation: These membranes protect the structural integrity of your basement’s foundation, ensuring its longevity.

While the installation process may be more involved than some other methods, the long-term benefits of exterior waterproofing membranes make them a worthy investment for many homeowners.

10. Hybrid Systems

Hybrid basement tanking systems combine multiple methods to create a comprehensive approach tailored to your basement’s specific needs. Here’s what makes hybrid systems stand out from other basement tanking solutions.

  • Customized Solutions: Hybrid systems are customized based on the unique challenges and requirements of your basement.
  • Optimal Protection: By incorporating various tanking methods, hybrid systems provide maximum protection against moisture infiltration.
  • Professional Assessment: Consulting with professionals is crucial to design and implement an effective hybrid system that addresses all potential sources of moisture.

Hybrid systems are the go-to choice for homeowners who want a comprehensive solution that leaves no room for moisture-related problems in their basement.


Protecting your basement from moisture infiltration is vital to maintaining a healthy and structurally sound home. Whether you’re dealing with existing moisture issues or planning a new construction project, consulting with professionals like us and selecting the right combination of solutions is key.

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Damp2Dry Solutions Ltd: Your Trusted Partner for Expert Cellar and Basement Waterproofing.

With years of experience, we’re dedicated to keeping your basement dry and secure. Discover our comprehensive solutions for commercial and residential properties today and safeguard your home. Contact us now for a consultation!

Don’t compromise on the integrity of your basement—take proactive measures to ensure a dry and secure living space.

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